Terms of Use of “HANNAHTAROT.COM” – Version of 2 june 2023
I- Management of the website:
« Hannah Tarot » is a service provided by :
East Side Ltd (hereafter named “The Manager”), having its head office situated in Cms House Third Floor – St Peter’s Street – SGN2310 San Gwann – Malta.
“The Manager” provides the service in accordance with the conditions of this document. They apply exclusively to the services provided on and by the intermediary of the website « hannahtarot.com » (hereafter named “THE WEBSITE”). Any other channel of commercialization or of distribution may have its own conditions.
II-The use of the Website:
To use the website, it is necessary:
To be of legal age
To be fully capable of signing a contract
To read and accept the present Conditions of Use (all visitors or users can print and save the present document)
To follow the obligations inherent to the status of member
If, during the course of registration, it is noted that the “user” does not abide by the conditions of participation (because, among other things, they are under age or they don’t accept the conditions), the registration will be considered null and void.
In this case, even if the “user” has entered his personal data, he cannot be considered as being registered and his data will not be stored.
III-Description of the service:
In the website « Hannah Tarot », “The Manager” provides a system of information concerning divinatory sciences and arts and, in particular, those concerning astrology, numerology, fortune telling with cards, and the horoscope.
The site gives access to a chat where an interpretation of the cards based on artificial intelligence will be given.
This system of information is given in this forms:
- Individual payable services offering personalized products and/or services via one tarot reading of 3 cards or 5 cards
Each one of these services will always be distinguished from the others so that there can be no confusion concerning the nature of the service.
In all cases, the information provided must not be considered as indicating an opinion in the realms of psychology, economy-finance, medicine, legal matters, real estate or others and must in no case be used as a basis for decision making.
It must not be used as a substitute for other professional advice.
Its purpose is recreational and cultural, dealing with esoteric and/or spiritual questions, throwing a new, subjective light on certain aspects of consultants’ questions and their requests for information.
All products or services offered on the website and/or in further communications made within the framework of the website, with the exception of consultations by telephone, are produced in a numerical format.
The designation « Hannah Tarot » is a commercial and fantasy designation and « hannahtarot.com » is also a commercial and fantasy title of a technical nature based on artificial intelligence.
IV-The functioning of the website:
« THE WEBSITE » is accessible for free (outside of extra costs to access Internet in certain cases) and can be used without it being necessary to give personal data or any other compensation.
This clairvoyant reading, as well as all information given directly on “THE WEBSITE”, must not be considered as indicating an opinion in the realms of psychology, medicine, economy/finance, legal matters, real estate or others, and must in no case be used as a basis for decision making as its purpose is essentially recreational and cultural.
A part from the personal data required to provide the service that will be requested during registration, or even once this has been done, specific additional services may be offered to the user, always with a supplement, and always on an optional basis, specific products in an electronic format, and/or internal promotions or of third parties, and also subscription services (regular and recurring services).
V- Mechanics of the site:
“THE WEBSITE” is accessible for free every day, all day long, except during technical maintenance periods.
Following this clairvoyance, the “user” may receive further details, clairvoyance and/or any other information concerning them.
The “user” may also receive commercial offers.
In addition, and on an optional basis, the “user” can receive personalized, specific products or services. In this case, and in accordance with the conditions of the specific products/services in the corresponding section or in the commercial offers made on this occasion, the “user” must be able to produce means of payment to access the said products/services.
In all circumstances, the numerical nature of these products/services must be taken into account as to the application of cancellation rights; these rights being void after the delivery of the products/services ordered, owing to their nature.
VI- Payments:
To pay for the specific products/services chosen by the user, the Client must follow the instructions given on the corresponding page, or given on the commercial offers.
The payment of the price of the specific products and/or services, as well as the first payment of subscription, costs of shipment of services – if applicable, as well as all taxes in force, will take effect as soon as the order is formalized.
The debit of the bank account by credit or debit card is always made in euros, in US dollars or in AUD Australian Dollar or in NZD New Zealand Dollar or CAD Canadian Dollar or ZAR South Africa Rand , for the amounts specified at any moment, as stated on the website. For information purposes (non exhaustive and unofficial) “The Manager” makes available beforehand, and simultaneously upon ordering its products and/or services, a conversion unit of currencies provided by independent third parties to inform its users and Clients . It is possible that amounts debited in a currency other than the US dollar, or the euro, are slightly different from those indicated (either because of fluctuations on the currency market, and/or of the rate of exchange chosen freely by the banks, and/or due to the fees applied by the user’s bank).
The payment of your order will be presented in your statement under the name of PAYPAL-EASTSIDELTD
“The Manager” agrees to generate only the payment orders of the nominatively specified amount and remains completely free of all responsibility in this domain
Concerning the electronic payment system, “The Manager” has installed a gateway for electronic commercial payments with a banking partner.
All personal data given to “The Manager” for this purpose is encoded in order to assure maximum security for this data and is stored in a security server certified according to the protocol “Secure Socket Layer”.
Bank cards data’s is in no way stored in the files of “The Manager”, but, if need be, and only within the framework of the contractual procedure, by the bank’s gateway of payment.
All prices on « THE WEBSITE » are quoted with tax included, unless stated to the contrary.
VII- Cancellation:
In any case, all products/services obtained and which, by their nature, make it impossible to exercise this right are excluded from the right of withdrawal, in particular: products made to the consumer’s specifications. In addition, any clearly personalized and/or computer files provided through electronic channels capable of immediate downloading or reproduction for permanent use.
This must be particularly taken into account given that, unless clearly stated to the contrary, every product offered, either on the website and/or through further communications made within the website
are personalized
are numeric in nature since they are generated via an instant messaging service (chat)
VIII- Commercial communications:
The users of the “WEBSITE” are informed of, and accept to receive, publicity documents from “The Manager” as well as its sponsors, and/or from companies with which it has signed a commercial agreement, always concerning the products and the services which interest the user.
These communications can be made through all the channels given by the participant: email, telephone, SMS, letter or through computer applications and social networks. The status of “user” implies the acceptance of these conditions of participation and of authorization here-above.
Also, without stating the contrary, you could receive by one of the above mentioned channels, information and publicity from other companies linked to the following areas and susceptible to interest you:
Telecommunications. Travel. Insurance. Professional services. Water. Videos. House-cleaning. Textiles. Beauty products. Books. Esotericism. Consumer products. Leisure products. Games. Health. Consulting. Fashion. Hardware. Toys. Music. Furniture. Finance. Leisure. Training courses. Cars. NGO. Energies. Collections. Food. Meetings. Contacts. Professional Services
IX- Personal data:
All users can cancel entirely or partially and at any time, their agreement to receive publicity communications by notifying the sender of these communications by emailing to info@hannahtarot.com.
The total cancellation sent to “The Manager” automatically results in the deletion of the user’s data in the file held by “the Manager”, these latter being blocked, and only maintained in regard to legal and contractual obligations.
In addition to national legislation applicable to “The Manager”, all persons whose personal data has been processed can use, for free, their rights of opposition, of access, of modification, of blockage, of cancellation and of giving their personal data. These rights can be applied in one of the following manners:
- a) By mail, by sending your request, accompanied by a document proving your identity, to the following address:
East Side Ltd – Cms House Third Floor – St. Peter’s Street – SGN2310 San Gwann – Malta
- b) By email to : info@hannahtarot.com
X-Protection of your personal data:
« “The Manager” protects your personal data in accordance with the regulations applicable concerning the protection of personal data. The files are stored on the server of “The Manager” which is secured in accordance with the most strict requirements of the regulations applicable to the protection of data.
“The Manager”, in accordance with the regulations applicable, will keep your received personal data, and will take the necessary measures to avoid its modification, loss, processing or all unauthorized access to these latter.
All the data given during registration must be true, complete and exact, the “user” committing himself to contact “The Manager” (by one of the means mentioned in the previous stipulation) in the case of modification of the information given.
All the data given can be, if necessary, handed over to third party partner companies, or to provider companies of “The Manager” for particular management operations (management of billing, clients department, call center, recovery, etc.)
For more information about this, click on the box that will be shown to you when you access our site or on the left corner on the bottom of the screen represented by a gear icon with text next to it that says PRIVACY.
Accessing this website may involve the use of cookies. For more information about this, click on the box that will be shown to you when you access our site or on the left corner on the bottom of the screen represented by a gear icon with text next to it that says PRIVACY.
XII- Intellectual property:
“THE WEBSITE” and all that is contained in this latter is protected by the laws concerning intellectual property. They cannot be the object of any exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, sale or transformation. The access to the website gives no rights to the users, including the rights of intellectual property of the contents contained on this website.
The commercial name, the brand names, the logo, the products and services contained on this website, whether they belong to “The Manager”, or to third party companies, as well as the present Conditions of Use are all protected by Law.
The contents of the “WEBSITE” are exclusively for registered users and must only be used for their personal use. Any other use (commercial or not) of the information on the website is prohibited.
The organizing company reserves the right to take legal action against all users who would infringe or violate the rights relating to the database and/or the rights of intellectual, industrial or third party property.
The contents of this site can be downloaded on the user’s computer on the condition that it is for private use only. It is therefore prohibited to exploit, to reproduce, to modify, to publicly communicate, to sell, to distribute, to transform or to use the contents of this site for public or commercial goals
The organizing company does not transfer the property of its software to the users. The user is the owner of the medium on which the software is registered. The organizing company keeps all rights of intellectual and industrial property, including the software. If the user registers the software of this website on his computer, he will not be able to analyze it for study, or to decompile it and translate the version of its original code or its language into another code or language.
“The Manager” invites users to send their testimonials even when not requested, and other opinions, observations and comments concerning the products or services proposed by “The Manager”. This information can be published on the website, while respecting at all times the property and the private life of their authors. Therefore, and in accordance with the legislation in force and the technical characteristics of the medium, the material sent could be subject to modifications. The authors of these contributions, renounce when sending them, any and all financial rights, or of any other nature of these latter, although they can request their withdrawal at any time.
XIII- Change of the service and Responsibility:
“The Manager” reserves the right to modify the contents of the website and the Conditions of Use for justified reasons by preserving the rights of the users and at the same time, without prejudice, to rights acquired by the users.
“The Manager” reserves the right to put an end to the access to this service at any time.
The modifications mentioned here-above will take place under the condition of a prior notification to participants and registered members. By the modification of the Conditions of Use indicated on the site of the “WEBSITE”, the obligation of notification to third parties is taken as being fulfilled.
XIV- Liability:
“The Manager” is in no way responsible for problems caused by the abnormal exploitation by third parties implied in the service proposed by the “WEBSITE”. It is therefore in no way responsible for failures of the telecommunications network and services provided by Internet suppliers, overload and cuts of telephone lines, eventual bugs of the program of validation, difficulties of reception of communications because of the use of anti-spam filters of third parties, etc…
“The Manager” is in no case, and under no circumstances, responsible for the loss of data sent in an incorrect manner, or for data sent outside of a time limit, or of data which would have been stopped or infringed upon by technical systems of filtering installed by providers or of software managing emails.
XIV- Jurisdiction of the site:
The present Conditions of Use are under the jurisdiction of the laws of Malta. In case of dispute linked to the present Terms and Conditions, the Court of Commerce of Malta is exclusively competent to act, except in the case of disputes with non commercial elements, in which case the corresponding laws will be applicable.
In the case where any one of the measures of the present Terms and Conditions would be declared being totally or partially null or inapplicable, this invalidness or inapplicability would only concern the measure, or part of the measure concerned, considered as null and void, the other measures or remaining parts of the Terms and Conditions of Use remain valid and the measure concerned or part of this would be considered as non-existent.
None of the measures herewith quoted can be interpreted the opposite way around, or in a restrictive manner in relation to the regulations of the legislation applicable to “The Manager” concerning the defense of consumers and of users.